Katherine and I recently walked one morning around Antonelli Pond to Natural Bridges State Beach and around UCSC Coastal Campus. In every location, we saw egrets, either Snowy or Great. Both birds are seen year round here in Santa Cruz, but Katherine and I don’t see them every time we go birding.

The below gallery shows Snowy Egrets coming and going. A cormorant also flies in to join its fellow at UCSC Coastal Campus. (Click on an image to open the gallery.)
This final series includes a video of a Great Egret eating a rodent at UCSC Coastal Campus.

Stop now if you are fond of small mammals or have a weak stomach. Especially don’t read the next line!
Katherine noticed this first. (Seriously, stop reading if you are easily grossed out–I kind of am but this next bit…) Watch the egret’s throat after it swallows the rodent. Little feet can be seen…
Watch this egret as it sways. It reminds me of a cat about to pounce.

Great video! Nature in action…..lots of action!