Katherine and I had such a cool time at Neary Lagoon yesterday that we went again this morning.
I mentioned in a previous post how much I like Pied-billed Grebes. So, when I saw a Grebe swimming toward the walkway with something in his bill, I took a quick picture. Grebes are fast swimmers and this one was apparently on a mission. He swam under the walkway and I lost it in the tule reeds and cattails.
I was not discouraged. I scanned the reeds. It had to be in there somewhere. Then I found it. The Grebe was a parent. I could definitely see at least one juvenile in the Tules!
I quickly alerted Katherine. She was using my spare camera to take pictures of the colorful Wood Ducks.
She came over and soon, “I can see three juveniles!”
Oh, I wanted to see three juveniles! The Grebes were hard to see because we had to manually focus past all the reeds.

I kept twisting my focusing ring, trying to get a shot.
And then I saw them. The adult was feeding the juvenile while another waited behind.

This was so exciting! I love the Grebes! And the babies have such funny striped faces!
I wonder if I can talk Katherine into another trip to Neary Lagoon? 😏