Bird of the (Previous) Week will feature the best photo (imho) from the previous (obvs) week.
This last week was tough because I had photos that I thought were technically as well as artistically well done but I also had photos of birds that I haven’t seen before (juvenile Red-shouldered Hawks) or don’t see regularly (Great Horned Owl).
I did not choose the juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk pictures because, as far as photography goes, they were not my best work that week. They were my best work under the circumstances, but this is the Bird of the (Previous) Week and I can only pick one photo.
As far as the Great Horned Owl, well, he has no one to blame but himself. He chose to sleep behind a piece of tree branch that obscured part of his face. However, I will be going back to see if I can get a better picture, so he has an opportunity to display himself in a better light, as it were.
Pictures of the juvenile Red-shouldered Hawks and the Great Horned Owl can be found yesterday’s post.
Hummingbirds are not difficult to photograph in general. They often perch for minutes at a time. Hovering hummingbirds who are in the process of obtaining nectar are harder but doable. Hummingbirds in flight are pretty much impossible for me to capture. However, the photo below is one of my favorites. The hummingbird is hovering but at a distance from the honeysuckle bush.
Meet Anna’s Hummingbird, my first official Bird of the (Previous) Week.